Sunday, May 20, 2018

Saga Festival and Mifune Festival (2)

I came back to Arashiyama and went to see
Mifune Festival. Mifune means three ships.
The festival was held on the Oi river. I went to Togetsukyo bridge, crossed the bridge, and went to the path beside the river.
There were a woman and two girls dressed in Heian period(8~12 century) kimono.The woman played a role of a famous Heian period writer, Seishonagon. Girls were dressed as servants of aristocrats in the era.

Two  ships were decorated with a dragon head and a lucky bird head at the head of the ships, and one ship was with  purple cloth on the roof.
The woman dressed as Seisho-nagon and two girls dressed as servants put some ogi (paper folded fans)away on the river one by one. I heard that festival had over 60 years history. I think it is a very long history, but in Kyoto, 60years history is said to be not so long compared with other festivals like Aoi Matsuri and Gion Matsuri with their over one thousand years history.
 The people on the boat could collect the fans on the river.

festival performers
It was a very fine day and I enjoyed the historic festival very much.

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